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Cornflakes Cookies / how to make cornflakes cookies
Written by Jayashree

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Cornflakes cookies are crunchy and tasty. They make a good snack to store in the jar.  Cornflakes cookies are made with a few ingredients easily available at home. They are eggless. 

Cornflakes makes a good breakfast cereal. It is ideal to serve as a quick fix with cold or hot milk. Zerobeli cornflakes is crispy and tasty. It is rich in fibre, packed with vitamin and nutrients. With different flavors and rich taste it makes a good choice of breakfast every morning.

Zerobeli is the innovative brand name for cereals by Georgia Foods Pvt Ltd. Cornflakes, oats, muesli in different flavors is not only tasty but also filling. It is a quick fix breakfast for busy week day mornings. I regularly use them and find them to be an ideal choice with taste and cost as well.

We loved these cornflakes, it is not only tasty but keeps satiated for a long time. The breakfast has to be ready at 7.30a.m and some days, I find it difficult to prepare. Moreover, I can play around between milk and greek yoghurt and with different toppings. Some times, I top it with almonds while at times with cashew and berries.

It makes a good choice for snack too as I am happy that children are not eating fried snacks to satisfy the hunger pangs. I love using these cornflakes to make different kind of snacks. You can opt to make the cornflakes chaat or chiwda with it. It makes a quick light snack to serve in the evenings.

It is rich in dietary fibre and thus helps in controlling weight naturally. It makes ideal choice for adults also. Healthy eating is a choice which we need to make and help our family members to adopt.

Now, for the festive season, I have some goodies here.

With Christmas round the corner, I thought of making cookies and they were delicious. I am elated with these and shall make them again.


Cornflakes Cookies / how to make cornflakes cookies
                                                                                                      Cornflakes Cookies

 Cornflakes Cookies Recipe


Measurement: 1 cup = 150 ml

  • 1 cup Zerobeli cornflakes crushed
  • 1 cup softened butter
  • 1 cup castor sugar
  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence


  1. Take butter and castor sugar in a bowl and beat it until it is smooth and creamy.
  2. Add lemon juice, vanilla essence and baking powder to it.
  3. Now mix the flour to it.
  4. Pre-heat the oven at 170 degree centigrade.
  5. Put a baking sheet on the tray.
  6. Take a small ball of the dough and press it in the form of a cookie.
  7. Dust it with cornflakes on either side and arrange on the lined sheet.
  8. Repeat with the rest of dough.
  9. Bake it for 10-12 minutes.
  10. Once they are golden in colour, keep them to cool on the rack.

Take a tip:

  • You can take wheat flour instead of plain flour.
  • A mixture of wheat flour and plain can also be taken.

Cornflakes Cookies

Cornflakes cookies are tasty and make a good snack to store at home. The freshness of lime gives a good taste to it.
Course dry snack
Cuisine Vegetarian
Keyword cornflakes cookies, eggless baking, how to make cornflakes cookies, tasty cookies recipe
Author Jayashree


  • 1 cup zerobeli cornflakes crushed
  • 1 cup softened butter
  • 1 cup castor sugar
  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla essence


  • Take butter and sugar in a bowl, beat them until smooth and creamy.
  • Add baking powder, vanilla essence and lemon juice to it.
  • Put the flour and slowly knead to a dough.
  • Pre-heat the oven at 170 degree celsius
  • Place parchment paper on the baking tray.
  • Take a small ball of the dough, press it lightly and roll it in the crushed cornflakes.
  • Repeat with the rest of the dough.
  • Bake for 10-12 minutes, they should be golden in colour.
  • Let cool on the rack.
  • Store in an air-tight container.

Do check out Zerobeli products on their website. You can order online from Amazon also at discounted price.



Disclaimer: This is a brand collaboration with Zerobeli . I received products from Zerobeli to test and review them. All inputs given are my own.

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Cornflakes Cookies are crunchy, tasty and refreshing with every bite. They are ideal to make during Christmas and New Year eve.
cornflakes cookies

Are you making this one? If you ever make, take a picture and tag me @foodiejayashree on Instagram or @evergreendishes on Facebook. I will share it further.

Are you looking for more interesting recipes?  Do  check out almond cookies and kulkul.

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Sasmita Sahoo Samanta
Sasmita Sahoo Samanta
4 years ago

Cornflakes cookies here looks so tasty and nicely baked too.
Yes, it is a good snack to store and have later whenever needed

Batter Up With Sujata
3 years ago

Cornflakes cookies looks so crispy crunchy and delicious. Loved the use of crushed Cornflakes in the cookies. Cornflakes will definitely make the cookies crisp. Saving the recipe to try.

Shobha Keshwanis
3 years ago

Corn flake cookies look nice and easy to make. Can we use whole wheat flour instead of APF as that is a healthier option.

3 years ago

Jayashree I use to make cornflakes cookies for my kids and whenever they come home, request me to bake some. Love how cornflakes add a lovely crunch to the cookies. In fact my son calls them popcorn cookies as he feels they taste like popcorn.

3 years ago

Loving the crunch that Cornflake will give the cookies. Will make a delicious and filling homemade cookie. Great way to keep the hunger pangs away.

My Culinary Expressions

These cornflakes cookies must be incredibly crunchy . I would love to give them a try. They seem so apt to satiate hunger pangs. The best part about this recipe is that basic ingredients are needed . Nice and healthy recipe post.

3 years ago

Cornflakes cookies look incredible. So quick and easy make. Perfect for the upcoming Christmas festivities.Love these nutritious cookies .



Hello and Welcome to my blog! I am Jayashree from India. An enthusiastic blogger, with a zest for life.  I believe in living life to the fullest.

Cooking has been my passion. I have always loved to try new recipes.  Writing has been a feel good factor and extremely  loving it. With these two passions of mine, my culinary blog was born. Read More…


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