Banana Rasayana | Balehannina Sihkarni | No Cook Recipe | 15 minute recipe Banana Rasayana or Balehannina Shikarani is a traditional recipe. It is a simple yet tasty recipe which can be...
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Banana Rasayana | Balehannina Sihkarni | No Cook Recipe | 15 minute recipe Banana Rasayana or Balehannina Shikarani is a traditional recipe. It is a simple yet tasty recipe which can be...
Spicy Murmura Snack is a tasty, easy to make, no cook snack. It is ideal to serve as a quick evening snack.
Stuffed Dates are healthy and tasty snacks which can be made easily at home.
Apple and Banana smoothie is a quick, no fuss, delicious drink ready in a jiffy. Serve this smoothie to fussy children with a topping of nuts and they will relish it. One needs to take fruits regularly in...
No Bake Swiss Roll is an easy to make snack recipe. It has the goodness of chocolate and coconut in it.
Cabbage Salad is tasty and healthy. It is ideal to binge as a mid-day snack. Many people desist eating raw cabbage. But it is healthy as it contains antioxidants and fibre along with vitamins. Try to...
Pear Milkshake is a nutrient rich, tasty drink. It is ideal to serve for children.
Cooking is a wonderful job if you love it. It helps you to make tasty dishes for your loved ones. But it can be a chore if one has many errands at hand. Thus, one needs to cook efficiently. It can be done by using the handy hints which make cooking easier, by saving time or making a better dish by using an ingredient instead of other. Here are a hundred handy hints which I have put in two different categories. One store wise and the other is cook wise.