Summer being the dessert season, I find myself putting forth something or the other in the freezer. This banana ice cream is really an awesome one and today I have made with cocoa , Choco banana icecream.
Bananas make excellent sources for desserts and this recipe is awesome. You can use the old bananas which are left unused. Earlier, I used to make milkshakes, now whipping these desserts which does not require many ingredients and is healthy too.
- Banannas 4
- cocooa powder 2tsp
- sugar 3tsp
- Freeze the bananas for a couple of hours.
- Peel the skin and put them in a wide bowl.
- Blend it, add cooca powder and sugar. Swirl again.
- Put in an icecream tray and freeze it.
- After few hours, scoop it and serve.
Ingredients for choco banana icecream :
Bananas 4
cocooa powder 2tsp
sugar 3tsp
Method :
Freeze the bananas for a couple of hours.
Peel the skin and put them in a wide bowl.
Blend it, add cooca powder and sugar. Swirl again.
Put in an icecream tray and freeze it.
After few hours, scoop it and serve.
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